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Anchors and Stars ICONs
Even Chiefs are just kids at heart! The Anchors and Stars US ICONs (TM) series is filled with some of the most well-known icons from many of the CPO messes favorite games, shows, and other nostalgic themes. It's time that we have choices to wear something other than just skulls and our beloved fouled anchor. Find your favorite icon and enjoy everyday errands, a night out, or training with your pride gear!
My Dice are 20 sided.
Who let the monkey out!
True American Hero
Space Master Chief...
My Wheels are Hotter
Building Blocks
4077? Nope Navy Doc!
Magic outside the hat
Park place?
Just one more Little Pony
Every Mine needs Craft
Dot... Dot... Dot...
I need a couch
Leading without a sword
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